DEATH DEALER guitarist / producer Stu "The Hammer" Marshall outlines new solos for upcoming 3rd Death Dealer cd

DEATH DEALER guitarist / producer Stu "The Hammer" Marshall is featured in three new videos where he walks through some of the early demo soloing in a series of face melting videos for the upcoming 3rd Death Dealer cd currently being written and set for 2017 release.

Stu Marshall outlines new solos for new 3rd Death Dealer cd - Video 1

Stu Marshall outlines new solos for new 3rd Death Dealer cd - Video 2

Stu Marshall outlines new solos for new 3rd Death Dealer cd - Video 3

Stu "The Hammer" Marshall is known for his stints as guitarist in Australian heavy metal bands Dungeon and PainDivision, guitarist & producer for his all star international recording project Empires of Eden, half of the guitar wall of sound in power metal band Death Dealer alongside legendary guitarist Ross the Boss.(Manowar co-founder); the six string shredder in Blasted To Static alongside vocalist Jeff Martin (the voice of Racer X) and as riff master in the new upcoming Australian power metal band Night Legion.

Stu not only has been behind the controls for the recordings of all Empires of Eden, Death Dealer and Blastic To Static albums but has mastered albums for critically acclaimed bands: Vanlade - "Rage of the Gods", Zephaniah - "Reforged" and Corners of Sanctuary - "Metal Machine".

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