QUEENSRŸCHE – release new music video for “Bulletproof”

Having just completed their year-long Condition Hüman world tour, heavy metal icons QUEENSRYCHE are proud to release a new music video for their song "Bulletproof". Speaking about the story behind the track as well as the new video, vocalist Todd La Torre comments:
"Bulletproof is a journey through a relationship gone bad, however painful the relationship is you still find a way to persevere. We elected to present the song in a live setting as a sharp contrast to the videos we've done for the "Condition Hüman" album to help bring this chapter to a close and start the next journey."
You can watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2AfrMsdB7I
Todd La Torre
Michael Wilton
Eddie Jackson
Scott Rockenfield
Parker Lundgren
Quelle: Century Media Records

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