Rückwater to release an EP in February!

Rückwater is a three-headed stoner rock monster hailing from Tampere, Finland. Their new EP named Bonehead is released February 24th 2017 by Secret Entertainment. Heartfelt lyrics, strong tunes, two asskickin’ lead singers and the boogie that varies from furious to mellow makes this record worth of listening.

Rückwater has shared a stage with names like Joey Belladonna and stoner legend Karma To Burn, so this really is a band to watch out for.

Listen to the track "Once More With Feeling" on Youtube: https://youtu.be/UKG-L0-56ao

Track list:
 01. Once More With Feeling
 02. No Gain
 03. Labyrinth
 04. Super Frustration
 05. Bonehead
 06. Flame Doesn’t Cast A Shadow

 -Jussi Vehman / Vocals / Bass
 -Make Makkonen / Vocals / Guitars
 -Jape Makkonen / Drums

-So far out… -EP (2011)
-What’s in the box? -EP (2013)
-Bonehead -EP (2017)

Quelle: Secret Entertainment

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