Finnish Stoner Rockers ELEPHANT BELL release first single from their highly anticipated debut album

Finnish Stoner Rockers ELEPHANT BELL release cover artwork and first single from their highly anticipated debut album.
The official video-clip of the song “Come to See the Show” is available here:

Featuring LOWBURN member Tomi Mykkanen and mastered by Karl Daniel Lidén (GREENLEAF and DOZER) , “Gates of Dawn” (the revamped version of the “self-titled” one previously available digitally) is a colossal album influenced by the first ‘stoner’ era and by bands as Monster Magnet, Fu Manchu, with a touch of grunge-like sonorities as Soundgarden.

ELEPHANT BELL “Gates of Dawn”  will be released in CD by Argonauta Records and available from April 28th, 2017.

Preorders run here:
1. So Pure
2. Demon Seducer
3. The Sun Is Going Down
4. Come To See the Show
5. Escape
6. Dreamwheel
7. Bug In the Soup
8. The Sweet Babylon
9. Mojo Filter
10. Straight to Hell
11. The Last Scene
Info: -

Quelle: Nee Cee Agency

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