Hate Unbound released a gloomy music video from their Plague album

Hate Unbound's critically acclaimed debut album "Plague" is out now on Inverse Records. The band also released a gloomy music video from the track "I, Martyr" and it is available here: https://youtu.be/06ZyyPG-jbk

Daryl Mitchell comments: "For the "I, Martyr" video, we went with an abstract idea. One that implies that a persecuted person, a potential martyr if you will, had fought back against their oppressor and won. Now she is dragging her victim's bodies in order release their souls. Showing the struggles she has from carrying the guilt and then bleeding out and dying. We tried to not get to deep into the specifics in hopes that people would form their own opinion of how and why things happen the way they do. We hope you enjoy it."

The band is heading on Spread The Plague Tour 2017 in April:

Listen to the album on Spotify:

Album track list:
01. Baptized in Lies
02. Cut
03. Suffering
04. Burn Your Idols
05. Soiled
06. Puncture
07. Plague
08. I, Martyr
09. Grey Skies
10. The Fallen

Art Giammara - vocals
Daryl Mitchell - guitar
William Cundiff - guitar
Sean Demura - bass
 Franklin "Foot" Hannah - drums


Quelle: Inverse Records

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