DANNY WORSNOP Risks Life in New Music Video for "High"

Nashville-based artist DANNY WORSNOP has released a brand new music video for the song "High", taken from his debut solo album 'The Long Road Home'.

Filmed in Greensburg, Kentucky with director Blake Judd, the emotionally-charged video sees Danny risking his life as he pours his heart out inside an actual burning house - the blazing building providing a haunting backdrop to a tale of heartbreaking loss as everything crumbles around him.

Viewers may be shocked to learn that there was no CGI used in the video - all footage is 100% real and shows just how far Danny is willing to go to express himself, breaking every health and safety rule for his art.

Watch the video for "High" now at http://youtu.be/oJ6KbYwIf2M

Filmed over two cold days in January, the whole process was captured on film and released in a two-part documentary, giving fans a closer look at the dangers involved with setting fire to a building with the artist and crew inside.  Watch the incredible behind-the-scenes footage now:

Behind the Music Video (Day 1) - http://youtu.be/M0G0vZMjqD4
Behind the Music Video (Day 2) - http://youtu.be/A4iUMkBlj08

Danny's debut solo album, 'The Long Road Home' sees a slight musical departure from his work with ASKING ALEXANDRIA and WE ARE HARLOT, forging a deeper and often darker path through the talented young musician's mind and displaying a truly stunning singing voice only hinted at previously.

Get 'The Long Road Home' now on limited edition signed CD and coloured vinyl at http://www.earache.com/danny

The album is also available now on iTunes at http://bit.ly/longroadhome-itunes

'The Long Road Home' track listing:
1. Prozac
2. Mexico
3. I Feel Like Shit
4. Anyone But Me
5. High
6. I Got Bones
7. Quite a While
8. Don't Overdrink It
9. I'll Hold On
10. Midnight Woman
11. Same Old Ending
12. The Man

Get more DANNY WORSNOP news and info:
Official site - http://thesnop.com
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/officialdannyworsnop
Twitter - http://twitter.com/dannyworsnop
Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/snoptropolis

Quelle: Earache Records

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