Justice Theory released new single Welcome The The Family

Finnish thrash metal band Justice Theory has released a new single!
Their third single ”Welcome To The Family” is released today March 26th 2017. Valtteri came up with lyrics that/which fitted perfectly to an energetic spirit of the song. Idea for lyrics came from that raw aggressiveness and speedy going, which eventually got the band decide that this would definitely be their next single to release. More specifically, the lyrics tell about a person/ a guy/ citizen, who has had enough of this world shackled by foolish standards and limitations. He builds a family of rebels which starts to riot against the world of restrictive rules.

A comment from Valtteri :
In the beginning we decided that our next single is going to be cheery, high-powered track. We took few steps back from massiveness and melodiousness that our previous single “Unbroken” was all about. Welcome To The Family is highly inspired by our first single “Necessary Evil” and also has the vibes that Anthrax were been able to bring in their songs – Not too seriously, but convincingly. I think that we managed to get what we wanted in this song, and I’m quite sure that it will be one of the highlights on our upcoming shows. IT ROCKS!

This song is dedicated to our dearest friends and fans, who are supported and believed in us from the very beginning. We are more than happy to see that you guys are out there! So huge thank you all!

Check the single:
Youtube: https://youtu.be/Tt2Tb91F0bo
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/11u5a5aX6pS50NTuORaQlc

Quelle: Inverse Music Group

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