THE RADIO SUN sign to PRIDE & JOY MUSIC; new album to be released in October 2017

PRIDE & MUSIC is happy to announce the signing of Australian Melodic Rock band THE RADIO SUN! Based in Melbourne, Australia the band consisting of Jason Old (lead vocals & guitars), Stevie Janevski (lead guitar, bass, backing vocals; Black Majesty) and Gilbert Annese (drums) is currently working on their fourth release “Unstoppable” which is planned for a release in late October 2017. This new album once again will be mixed by Paul Laine (solo, Danger Danger, Dark Horse).

The band has just completed another European tour which included an astonishing performance at Hard Rock Hell AOR Fest and very successful shows in the UK and a gig in Greece. THE RADIO SUN will return to Europe with dates in the UK, Greece & Germany at least in March 2018.

Connect with the band at:

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Quelle: GerMusica Promotion & Management

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