ECLIPSE - neuer Videoclip und Tourdaten

Die Rock-Hit-Garanten ECLIPSE begeistern mit einem cineastischen Videoclip zur Gänsehaut Ballade "Hurt", aus ihrem sechsten Studioalbum.

ECLIPSE - "Hurt" 

26.04. Badehaus - Berlin
27.04. Ratinger Hof - Düsseldorf
28.04. Eventhall Airport - Obertraubling
29.04. Live Club - Trezzo Sull'adda, Italy (
30.04. GRAND CASINO BASEL - Switzerland
02.05. Coffee Bar - Innsbruck, Austria
03.05. Live Music Hall - Mörlenbach
05.05. Kubana -Siegburg

24.03. ECLIPSE – "Monumentum" (Frontiers Music/Soulfood)

-Producer, singer, songwriter Erik Martensson collaborated with such artists as Brazen Abbot, Erik Gronwall, Jimi Jamison, Toby Hitchcock, Sturm Und Drang, Dalton, H.E.A.T, Giant, Ammunition, Revolution Saints, Adrenaline Rush and more. He is also part of NORDIC UNION, a project with PRETTY MAIDS singer Ronnie Atkins.-Erik Martensson and guitarist Magnus Henriksson are also part of W.E.T. the Melodic Rock supergroup featuring former TALISMAN, JOURNEY and MALMSTEEN singer Jeff Scott Soto and WORK OF ART guitarist Robert Sall.


Metal Hammer 6/7: "...liefern verlässlich Ohrwürmer mit dem nötigen Biss. Und das am laufenden Band: Füller sucht man vergebens.... Wer Endachtziger-Europe, Treat und Pretty Maids als ständige Favoriten in seiner Playlist führt, kam und kommt an Eclipse sowie deren ungebrochener melodischer Monumentalität nicht vorbei."

Rock Hard: "Wer Journey, Foreigner oder H.E.A.T mag, wird deswegen auch an „Monumentum“ Gefallen finden, da bin ich mir sicher."

Rock It – Album des Monats

Rocks 5/6: "Die Nummern besitzen noch mehr Pop Qualitäten, ohne dabei die nötige Härte vermiss zu lassen…"

Hardline 10/10

Break Out (over the top): "Hardrock-Herz – was willst du mehr? Ich bin jedenfalls bestens bedient."

Legacy 13/15: "Elf Songs, elf Volltreffer."

-Five studio albums released from 2001.

-“Armageddonize” certified album chart entries in Sweden, UK and Germany.

-participated in the qualification for Eurovision Songcontest 2016 / Sweden with the song “Runaways” - (

-Participation in such Festivals as Sweden Rock Festival, Frontiers Rock Festival, Firefest, HEAT Festival, MelodicRockFest (USA), MelodicRockFest (Australia) and more.
- Eclipse shared the stage with such giants as Scorpions, Aerosmith, Queen, Twisted Sister, Helloween, W.A.S.P. and more.

-Eclipse played live in the whole of Europe plus USA, Australia and Japan.

-Producer, singer, songwriter Erik Martensson collaborated with such artists as Brazen Abbot, Erik Gronwall, Jimi Jamison, Toby Hitchcock, Sturm Und Drang, Dalton, H.E.A.T, Giant, Ammunition, Revolution Saints, Adrenaline Rush and more. He is also part of NORDIC UNION, a project with PRETTY MAIDS singer Ronnie Atkins.

-Erik Martensson and guitarist Magnus Henriksson are also part of W.E.T. the Melodic Rock supergroup featuring former TALISMAN, JOURNEY and MALMSTEEN singer Jeff Scott Soto and WORK OF ART guitarist Robert Sall.


It's been two years since we last heard a new full length album from Swedish hard rockers Eclipse. Two years that has seen the band play to audiences in Australia, Japan, America and Europe, not to mention the three and a half million viewers who saw Eclipse's debut on Swedish national television at Melodifestivalen 2016.

With the development shown in their last two albums "Bleed and Scream" and "Armageddonize" the picture was clear, these guys were destined for greatness, and now greatness has been delivered in the shape of their new album MONUMENTUM.

After touring extensively for two years with their previous album, Eclipse's main songwriters Erik Mårtensson and Magnus Henriksson reconvened in Erik's new studio in the Swedish countryside and started writing songs. The intention was to write and record an album with no compromise of either song quality or performance from the band.

We know saying your latest album is the best you've done is the oldest cliché in rock, and so instead of taking our word for it, tune in and listen to the killer opening track “Vertigo”. It's melodic rock that's respectful of its history but with sights set on the future. Fans of the band will not be disappointed and new acquaintances can look forward to hard rocking tunes with massive hooks from the first to the final track.

As Erik puts it: "When I go and see a band I just want to hear songs that make me wanna put my fist in the air and scream along, and I want everyone around me to do the same. Well, Monumentum is one giant fist waiting for a chanting crowd of rockers. We can't wait for the people to hear it!"

Better be ready: ECLIPSE are coming to kick your butt!

Erik Mårtensson – lead vocals, guitars
Magnus Henriksson - guitars
Philip Crusner - drums
Magnus Ulfstedt – bass
Quelle: cmm-consulting for music and media

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