Italian Stoner Hard Rockers THEBUCKLE reveal new official video “Hey You”

Italian Stoner Hard Rockers THEBUCKLE today reveal the new official video. The song “Hey You” is taken from their new album “Labbrador”. 

“Labbrador” is out now on Argonauta Records.
Thebuckle is a rock duo founded in 2014 by Andrea (Guitars + vocals) and Maxim (drums), an explosive mixture of hard rock, stoner, post-punk, and hardcore. The result? A fiery and pounding music, crossed by a dark and gloomy atmospheres and unhealthy, obtundent, memorable melodies.
“Labbrador” is a stunning album highly recommended if you like MUDHONEY, QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE and THE STOOGES.

Quelle: Neecee Agency

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