Signum Regis: neuer Sänger, neues Video

Melodic/power metal band SIGNUM REGIS is stoked to announce the new lead singer, JOTA FORTINHO.
Jota was born in Brazil and played in numerous bands before he moved to Europe. He was invited to join Signum Regis in 2018.

The band was very impressed by his previous work and also his interpretation of some of the older Signum Regis songs.

Jota has a very wide vocal range and can sing anything from the band’s catalog and beyond. His vocal inspirations are Andi Deris and Michael Kiske. Since he joined SIGNUM REGIS, Jota and the rest of the band were recording a new album, which is now 100% mixed and mastered.

New lyric video on YouTube
Here you can hear Jota for the first time with SIGNUM REGIS singing the first single from the new album. The track is called "I Always Go All-in".

The lyric video was done by Wayne Joyner. Album mixed by Ronnie König and mastered by Jacob Hansen.
Currently, the band is rehearsing the new songs for live shows.

The story behind the song
Ronnie talks about the songwriting and the meaning of the lyrics of the song "I Always Go All-in"

The band is also launching a brand new SubscribeStar page for fans, where they will be able to get special content (behind the scenes footage, rehearsal videos, instructional videos with tabs and comments, home videos …). The first 20 subscribers will get a little present (physically per post).
Check it out here:

PS: If you are not among our subscribers on YouTube yet, we highly recommend you become one, because there will be publishing a lot of cool content during the coming months ;)

Quelle: Signum Regis

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