I AT LAST - Vorab-Single zur Debüt EP

I AT LAST will be releasing their debut EP in collaboration with Inverse Records. The release date is announced on a later date. The band brings their own visions to the metalcore scene, and threatens the boundaries of genre-purity by implementing elements from various styles of music.

The first slap to the face, Mother is a variety-rich track topped with grooving guitar parts, and high, raspy scream vocals.

"Mother's lyrical themes are a straight attack on people's shrunken comfort zones, forcing to open one's eyes and see the world in its true colors." Vocalist Henry Manninen explains.

The result a versatile energy bomb that I AT LAST is ready to share with you.

Listen to the Mother single on:
Youtube: https://youtu.be/2zkMAPGrgtc
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/35fzUQI
Bandcamp: https://iatlast.bandcamp.com
Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/us/album/141896442
Apple Music: https://apple.co/2We1Hx1
Tidal: https://listen.tidal.com/album/137414517

Henry Manninen - Vocals
Roope Lappalainen - Guitar
Juha Rantala - Guitar
Roberto Rivera Pöyhönen - Bass
Niko Haavisto - Drums


Quelle: Inverse Records

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