Mentally Blind - neue Single "Everything's Great"

Mentally Blind veröffentlichen ihre neue Single "Everything's Great"
Das Debütalbum "Stage: Zero" erscheint am 10.02.21

Mentally Blind // Everything's Great (Official Music Video) // Modern Metalcore From Poland

Mentally Blind äußert sich wie folgt zu "Everything´s Great":
"We are used to comforting each other by saying “Don’t worry, everything will be fine”. Sadly, pushing our troubles away like that only makes them worse. Instead of trying to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes we rather pat them on the back. This is just easier but who isn’t fed up with it though?
The song touches on the subject of mental illnesses that can never be fully grasped by a sane and healthy person. Their vision of reality is quite different.
When depression hits, it makes you hate different aspects of your own life, struggle to get out of bed, and at the same time it requires you to cope with being judged by these people, based on their own perception of the world.
You start to feel like a useless, socially disrupted being, that has no chance of meeting the omnipresent social standards, which doesn’t make it easier
The chorus is addressed to those who never had enough empathy to even try to understand a mentally ill person and their deformed vision of reality."

Mentally Blind // Traces (Official Music Video)

Mentally Blind sagen folgendes zur neuen Single:
"History that we are a part of is also our responsibility. Memories we leave behind can be shaped by us, eventually creating an image of ourselves that others will be left with forever.
Both as individuals and as a society, we can start the change by actively influencing our story or stay passive and fall behind even further.
It’s also a story about fear of passing away, without putting any testament to our existence on the timeline."

Mentally Blind - One For No One

Die Band sagt folgendes zur ersten Single:
"As people, we tend to ignore surrounding issues until they impact us directly.
This is a sort of madness that makes us think that we’ve got control over everything while in reality, we’re losing grip. This approach often leads to inevitable tragedies that everyone no one believes in, even though everyone sees it coming."

Mentally Blind - Stage: Zero
VÖ: 10.02.21
Label/Vertrieb: Blood Blast Distribution

Mentally Blind gründeten sich im Jahr 2009 und erlangte in der lokalen Szene schnell Anerkennung. 2015 veröffentlichten sie ihre erste EP "The Perception".

Dies wurde schnell zu einem Wendepunkt für die Band und öffnete die Tür für viele Shows in ganz Polen, was die Gruppe an die Spitze des modernen polnischen Metals brachte.

Die Musik ist eine Mischung eine aus Progressive Metal voller technischer Riffs und melodische Refrains, verträumtem Ambiente und sogar analogen Synthesizern.

Die Online-Präsenz der Band ist auch dank eines Auftritts bei Jared Dines' Battle Of The Bands und der Tatsache, dass ihr Sänger Antek Olech als einer von 10 potenziellen neuen Sängern für die Band Northlane in deren weltweitem Casting ausgewählt wurde, deutlich gewachsen.

Zu den Live-Auftritten gehören zwei Europatourneen zusammen mit The Materia sowie viele eigenständige Shows, mit Bands wie Monuments, Bury Tomorrow, Hactkivist, Uneven Structure oder Napoleon.

Mentally Blind veröffentlichen ihr Debütalbum „Stage: Zero“ am 10.02.21.

Quelle: Oktober Promotion

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