LES CHANTS DU HASARD - erste Single vom kommenden Album

LES CHANTS DU HASARD release first single track of upcoming album.


Hazard comments on the first single track "Chant I - Parmi les poussières": "This song is the fastest and the most straightforward. That's the reason it is the first song of the album, as it encapsulates what I wanted to do on 'Livre Quart': a more violent atmosphere and a contrast to 'Livre Troisième', which had more of a nocturnal and introspective feeling."

Label: LCDH / Self Release
Release date: 21.06.2024
Formats: CD / LP / Digital

Having dwelled for more than 15 years in the Black Metal scene, Hazard stepped aside in 2017 with the first album of LES CHANTS DU HASARD. He laid there the foundations of his own take of dark music and defined a new genre "Extreme Opera", a sinister orchestral music with elements of Black Metal. Since then, two albums have been released: "Livre Second" in 2019 and "Livre troisième" in 2021, each new opus adding a new stone to the edifice.
Hazard went back to Black Metal in 2023 and released under the moniker Hasard a first album, "Malivore". Described by many as nightmarish and mentioned as one of the best albums of 2023 (NCS, AMG to name a few), "Malivore" made use of Hazard's symphonic skills to apply them to Black Metal, as a mirror to LES CHANTS DU HASARD.

Now in 2024, LES CHANTS DU HASARD is back with a new album, "Livre Quart". Featuring professional lyric singers Laura and Christian respectively as soprano and tenor interacting with Hazard's scorched voice, "Livre Quart" is definitely darker and more vicious than previous albums. It was recorded, produced and engineered by Hazard and mastered by Déhà at Opus Magnum Studio.

1. Chant I - Parmi les poussières
2. Chant II - La chauve-souris
3. Chant III - Le bruit du monde
4. Chant IV - Sous la mitre de fer
5. Chant V - La nuit échappée
6. Chant VI - Procession du sabbat
7. Chant VII - Les ombres vagabondes
(playing time: 40:15 min.)

Laura : Soprano
Christian : Ténor
Göran Setitus : Voice on "Les ombres vagabondes"
Hazard : Music, voice, sound engineering
Cäme Roy de Rat : Graphic design
Déhà : Mastering


Quelle: Sure Shot Worx

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