Vharrok - neue Single 'Nihilistic' veröffentlicht

VHARROK is a one-man Black Metal band from Melbourne, Australia. Their debut single, ‘Nihilistic,’ premieres on all streaming platforms on Friday, December 20th.

Get the single here: https://open.spotify.com/track/0ETHwMxkKjBMy6abME5iYD

This will be a taste of the full album, which will drop in the early months of 2025. The album incorporates influences from atmospheric black metal and some death metal elements as well.

VHARROK is ready to unleash hell on the scene, bringing sonic aggression and passion in all their compositions.

Vharrok - Nihilistic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5n02ZhfWIc


Quelle: Black-Roos Entertainment

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