Ladymen - neues Album "Los Desiertos del Futuro"

Mexican Stoner Rock Band Ladymen release heavy new album "Los Desiertos del Futuro".

Composed of 6 songs, the number six symbolizes balance and the ambivalence between fire and water, reflecting the deep and spiritual themes.

After a decade away from the studio, returns with their long- awaited second album: "Los Desiertos del Futuro". Composed of six songs, the number six symbolizes balance, awareness, and the ambivalence between fire and water, reflecting the deep, spiritual themes of this work.

Listen here:

The journey begins with the rebirth of "Fénix" and travels through various landscapes, ranging from the frenzy and aggression of "Sanguinario" to the calm and harmony of "Los Desiertos del Futuro", the title track of this album. "Innecesariamente Necesario", "Traicionado (a Fuego Lento)", and "De Tierra y de Sal" complete this work, which internalizes existential conflicts and contrasts them with the power of redemption and resilience, while blending hard rock with punk, stoner, blues, and a heavy dose of psychedelia.

The production was handled by the band with the collaboration of Diego Guerra a.k.a. "Eddie Warboy". The drums were recorded at URVN Studio by Rubén Sánchez. Post-production was done by Erik Monsonoís from Dark House Studio. They also featured the collaboration of Saverio Giandusa (Difuntos, Serbia) on keyboards and synthesizers. Artwork and ilustration by Samuel Macias “Serpiedad”.

"Los Desiertos del Futuro":

Quelle: Kind Comunica

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