WARWOLF veröffentlichen neue Single BLOOD & ICE

The third WARWOLF single BLOOD & ICE is taken from their upcoming album THE FINAL BATTLE.

It's a typical WARWOLF banger which will make you bang your head though the video has a different approach . Crank it up and enjoy .

THE FINAL BATTLE will be released Friday January 31st, 2025. Again produced, mixed and mastered by GRAVE DIGGER singer Chris Boltendahl @ Graveyard Studio, the album offers "Maiden-esque" influences with a slight Teutonic Metal touch but this time rawer, more honest - no auto-tune, no samples, no keyboards - a no bullshit version!

BLOOD & ICE on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RALmHv9L3M
BLOOD & ICE Smartlink: https://warwolf.spread.link/blood-ice

Andreas von Lipinski – Vocals
Frank Noras – Guitar
Peter Müller – Guitar
Florian Abegg – Bass
Holger Bloempott – Drums

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The home of Darkstorm Records and Yellow Muffin Records.

Quelle: Metalapolis Records

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