HARAKIRI FOR THE SKY - neue Single “Keep Me Longing”

Die österreichischen Post-Black-Metaller Harakiri For The Sky präsentieren heute ein intensives Musikvideo zur neuen Single „Keep Me Longing“, das ihre charakteristische Mischung aus roher Emotion und verträumten Klanglandschaften perfekt einfängt.

Das Video, das von Tim Hanke-Zilles inszeniert wurde, feiert auf YouTube Premiere: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psYrzpTWlFo

“With our latest video for the song "Keep Me Longing" we wanted to write a storyline that plays with two heavy contrasts: Two protagonists, which handle the feeling of loss and despair in two completely oppositional ways. One tries to get rid of his negative feelings by autoaggression in loneliness and the other one finds distraction in the vastness of the city and destructive behaviour. And I think that's also what life is about: Antagonism and contrasts and how you handle them”, the band comments.

In addition, Harakiri For The Sky just announced a full European Tour – tickets are already on sale and you can find the dates to all confirmed shows here:

Release shows for “Scorched Earth”:
24.01.25 Hamburg - Kultur Palast
25.01.25 Burglengenfeld - VAZ
26.01.25 Lindau - Club Vaudeville

European Tour:
02.04. HU Budapest - Barba Negra
03.04. AT Vienna - WUK
04.04. DE Munich - Backstage
05.04. PL Warsaw - Hybrydy
06.04. CZ Prague - Futurum Bar
07.04. DE Leipzig - UT Connewitz
08.04. DE Berlin - Lido
09.04. DK Copenhagen - Lille Vega
10.04. DK Esjberg – Tobakken
11.04. DE Herford - Kulturwerk
12.04. DE Weiher - Music Hall
13.04. DE Cologne - Kantine
14.04. NL Utrecht - TivoliVredenburg
15.04. DE Neunkirchen - Gebläsehalle
16.04. FR Paris - La Machine du Moulin Rouge
17.04. NL Zwolle - Hedon
18.04. BE Bruges - Cactus Club
19.04. CH Aarau - Kiff
20.04. CH Geneva - L'Usine
Tickets: https://linktr.ee/harakiriforthesky

Pre-order the new album “Scorched Earth” here: https://shop.aoprecords.de/


Quelle: Oktober Promotion

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