APOCALYPSE ORCHESTRA - Video zu "Saint Yersinia"

Hier das neue Video aus dem kommenden APOCALYPSE ORCHESTRA Album:

17.01. APOCALYPSE ORCHESTRA - "Saint Yersinia":

14.02. APOCALYPSE ORCHESTRA - "A Plague upon Thee" (Despotz Records/Rough Trade)

Apocalypse Orchestra releases third single Saint Yersinia, taken from upcoming new album "A Plague upon Thee" to be released February 14th 2025 via Despotz Records.

Apocalypse Orchestra is a Swedish metal band that masterfully blends medieval melodies with the crushing power of doom metal, creating an epic and atmospheric soundscape that transports listeners to a distant past.

Formed in Gävle, Sweden 2013, the band is known for fusing traditional folk instruments, such as the hurdy-gurdy, bagpipes, and mandolas, with heavy, distorted guitars and thunderous drums. With their debut album “The End Is Nigh” (2017), Apocalypse Orchestra quickly established themselves as a unique force in the metal scene. The album received critical acclaim for its innovative approach to storytelling, weaving together history, mythology, and existential

The band is now back with a third single called "Saint Yersinia", taken from their upcoming new album "A Plague upon Thee".

With their second release, ”A Plague upon Thee”, they unearth new stories from the past, with tales of walled in zealots, religion and science in medieval times, and the ransacking of hell! Apocalypse Orchestra delivers memorable live shows where the band utilizes theatrical performances, sometimes actors and dancers, fire and projected animation, thus enhancing the experience, giving the show a feel of classic storytelling.

Bereits erschienen:



From their debut album “The End Is Nigh” (2017): "The Garden Of Earthly Delights" 21mio views
The band is now back with their second album called "A Plague upon Thee".

More from Apocalypse Orchestra
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/apocalypseorchestra
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apocalypseorchestra/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5McxshLeSMrORjTGNKXLIs
Bandcamp: https://apocalypseorchestra.bandcamp.com/album/the-end-is-nigh
Webshop: https://despotz.bigcartel.com/artist/apocalypse-orchestra

Quelle: cmm-consulting for music and media

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