SUFFOCATE FOR FUCK SAKE veröffentlichen 20 Minuten Track

Swedish post-metal collective SUFFOCATE FOR FUCK SAKE have returned with a new 20-minute opus, "to rest in the trust, that creates the world".

The track, released today, is a monolithic journey through the band's signature blend of post-rock, screamo, and ambient.
Known for their atmospheric music and intense soundscapes, SUFFOCATE FOR FUCK SAKE masterfully weaves heavy riffs, emotional screams, and fragile melodies with documentary-style voice samples and socially critical themes. Their works are marked by conceptual depth, exploring themes of isolation, mental health, and societal issues with raw emotional power.

SUFFOCATE FOR FCK SAKE - to rest in the trust, that creates the world (official):

"To rest in the trust, that creates the world" is a 20-minute long work and a muscial symbol of change and transience - a sound image of upcoming things we must face and can not ignore any longer. Precise, deep and full of emotional power. The song depicts the seasons as a symbol of time’s destabilizing force, disrupting cycles we take for granted. It reminds us that even repetitive patterns disintegrate, leaving nothing as it once was.

Stream the single HERE:

Following their critically acclaimed 2021 album "Fyra", this new single is a powerful and thought-provoking work that will undoubtedly resonate with fans of the band and those looking for a profound and emotional musical experience. Samples are taken from two Poems "Ja visst gör det ont" and "Hur kan förtröstan leva?". The Melody is inspired from the swedish trad "Den blomstertid nu kommer", adding another layer of depth and significance to the song.

The track will be officially released on all major streaming platforms on January 31st and can be pre-saved HERE:

Daniel Loefgren (guitar, synths, vocals)
Tommy Norin (guitar)
Jonathan Lemberg (vocals)
Jesper Danielsen (drums)
Joi Malmqvist (synths)
Sebastian Stralucke (guitar)
Jens Niehoff (bass)

For more info visit:

Quelle: ALL NOIR

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