KARG - neues Album im April, 1. Single "Findling"

KARG new album out in april / 1st single „Findling“ released.

1st single taken from the upcoming album "Marodeur", to be released on 18th April 2025 via AOP Records.

Karg – Findling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHwsrP8Cbw8

KARG was founded back in the summer of 2006 as a one-man project.
Between 2010 & 2014 KARG was fully formed as a band to play gigs, formally in Germany, Austria and Central Europe. In the years till 2018 KARG was, like in its beginning, held as a one-man project and released to more albums.

With the release of the sixth studio album “Dornenvögel”, KARG did celebrate its rebirth as a live band for a few special dates in 2018 & 2019. They did their first real tour supporting their 7th album “Traktat” in February 2020. Since then, and during the years of the pandemic, KARG recorded the EP “Resilienz”, and the albums “Resignation” and “Marodeur”, the second to be released April 18th via AOP Records, the first album by KARG written as a collective. The band will play a short album release tour through Europe in the release week of “Marodeur” together with Harakiri For The Sky and Swiss Trio E-L-R. More dates will follow.

The musical style of KARG is a furious, hysteric mixture of Atmospheric Black Metal and a huge load of Post Rock, with influences also from Grunge, Shoegaze and Post Punk.
The influences from other genres than Black Metal evolved more and more within the last few years but were there in abridged form since day one. Textual KARG always was about the more melancholic side of life, such as broken relationships, lost love, estrangement, drug abuse, loss or suicide thoughts and depression.

In contrast to many other bands KARG’s lyrics are as equal important than there music and are written in the dialect written near the Tennen Mountains, where frontman Michael J.J. Kogler grew up.


Quelle: Sure Shot Worx

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