TAÄR - Track Premiere aus kommendem Debütalbum

Greece/Switzerland based TAÄR have released the opening track from their upcoming debut album "Catharsis Till Dawn", due on April 11th 2025 via Soulseller Records on CD, LP and in digital versions.

You can listen to "Celestial Carnage" here: https://youtu.be/Uy941eqIfPc

TAÄR is a nostalgic, warlike black metal band which is heavily influenced heavily by the 90s underground scene. It's a combination of aggressive vocals, sharp guitar riffs and fast blast beats, evoking the atmosphere of ancient battles. Members of TAÄR also contribute to the intense creativity of Anticreation, Burial Hordes, and Katafalk.
"Catharsis Till Dawn" was mixed and mastered at Descent Studio in Athens and features a cover artwork by Belial Necroarts.

Expect nothing more than a raw and carnal fire storm of true black metal heresy!

Pre-order options: https://soulsellerrecords.bandcamp.com (World) +++ https://soulsellerrecords.aisamerch.com (Americas)

1. Celestial Carnage
2. Feathered Echoes Of Wrath
3. The Storm Of War
4. Perpetual Descent
5. At Depths Of Damnation
6. Undead's Turn
7. Where Death Stalks Its Prey
8. The Impaler's Triumph
9. Catharsis Till Dawn

Noctus - Vocals, Bass
Necro - Guitars, Bass
Tlhoc - Guitars
V.N. - Drums



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