INTEGRITY: Iconic Systems Overload Lineup To Reunite For A389 X Anniversary Bash

A389 Records will be celebrating the label's 10th Anniversary with their annual Winter Bash this January, once again bringing hordes of contemporary hardcore and metal bands to the stage alongside a barrage of headlining acts. The A389 X Bash will take place on the weekend of January 17th through the 19th, 2014 -- as always in the heart of Baltimore -- and while most of the event's lineup will remain unannounced to be unraveled over the next few weeks, we've decided to let everyone in on a little secret.


BLIND TO FAITH To Release Under The Heptagram 12" Via A389 Recordings

A389 Recordings confirms the pending Fall release of the malicious Under The Heptagram, the newest EP from European metalpunk henchmen BLIND TO FAITH. Featuring members of Rise And Fall, Reproach and Dutch cult legends Insult, BLIND TO FAITH fuses crushing influences from metal giants Celtic Frost and vintage death metal with depraved hardcore anger and morose punk persuasion of GG Allin and Eyehategod. A true soundtrack for a burning world.


BEEHOOVER: Exclusive New Track Streaming At The Sleeping Shaman

German drum/bass act BEEHOOVER is back, breaking a three year studio silence with a deluge of off-kilter riffery in the form of their new LP, The Devil And His Footmen. The album is nearing release once again on Exile on Mainstream, the perpetrator label responsible for the band's previous three albums.

Formed in 2003, the German duo known as BEEHOOVER has released three albums to date, their distinctive drum and bass concoction making them a standout act to the cult of listeners who are drawn to their radiant madness.


STRANGELIGHT To Release Debut EP Via Sacrament Music This Fall

Featuring members of various other collectives including Made Out Of Babies, Thursday, Red Sparowes, Pigs, United Nations, Goes Cube, Mussels and Kiss It Goodbye, STRANGELIGHT was forged in a small basement studio. While their past and current bands share little in common, STRANGELIGHT - Brendan Tobin, Cooper, Kenneth Appel, John Niccoli and Geoff Rickly - share an adoration for all things angular, discordant, rhythmic and driving.


ANAGNORISIS: Full Album Streaming At Revolver; Band Issues Post-Tour Statement

Following its recent release, Beyond All Light -- the mammoth second full-length from ANAGNORISIS -- is today streaming in its entirety at Revolver. The blackened Louisville act's finest and most adventurous work to date is out now on CD, cassette and digital, and is pending release on vinyl.

Amidst a flood of pre-release media praise of Beyond All Light, ANAGNORISIS took to the road on an eastward tour at the end of July and start of August in support of the album.


Killerpilze Grell Deluxe Album am 6. September

GRELL-Tour Teil 2 ab September

Für die KILLERPILZE läuft es 2013 so gut wie noch nie!
Nach der Veröffentlichung von dem in Kritiker- und Publikumskreisen sehr gut angenommenen Album "GRELL" im März, folgte eine ausgedehnte einmonatige Tour durch Deutschland und Frankreich und ein langer Festivalsommer, der Jo Halbig (24), Mäx Schlichter (25) und Fabian Halbig (20) unter anderem auch fulminante Shows bei den Major-Festivals Rock Am Ring, Nova Rock und Supportshows von Madsen ermöglichte.


SIENA ROOT am Mittwoch live im NACHTLEBEN

SIENA ROOT 70s Heavy Hard Rock Psychedelic Band aus Schweden

Siena Root ist ein Quartett, das zuhause in Stockholm sowie europaweit seit dem letzten Jahrzehnt die Underground-Hallen füllt. Ihr warmer, orgienhafter und an den 70s orientierter Sound stützt sich auf eine starke Hammond Orgel, Strat Leads, Bass Riffing, Big Drums und vor allem bluesigen, beseelten Gesang.



Auf ein in allen Belangen reibungsloses Festival blicken die Macher des Partysan Open Airs zurück und möchten sich hiermit sowohl bei allen Besuchern als auch bei ihrer Crew, Security und Helfern bedanken. Rund 10.000 Besucher waren in diesem Jahr zu Europas wichtigsten Extrem-Metal-Festival gepilgert.


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