Stream THE TEXAS CHAINSAW DUST LOVERS debut album in full

They groove hard and deliver riffs with more fun than you would expect from a rock release. Paris heavy and swaggery THE TEXAS CHAINSAW DUST LOVERS have teamed up with Music&Riots to premiere their hot debut "Me And The Devil", ahead of its official release on Monday!


NECRONOMICON 'Advent of The Human God'

NECRONOMICON have a well-earned reputation for quality by releasing material only when ready and satisfied with the outcome ever since their demo entitled "Morbid Ritual" (1992) firmly established their name within the underground.


THE MOUNTAIN MAN Unleash Debut EP ‘Bloodlust’

Grab your axe and get ready to trek the Canadian wilderness alongside THE MOUNTAIN MAN as they set free their debut EP ‘Bloodlust’ into the wild. The Sasquatch metallers have joined forces with


VOLYMIAN Launch “Line of Fire” Video

Finnish modern metallers VOLYMIAN have released a video for their new single “Line of Fire”, taken from their debut album “Maze of Madness”, to be released worldwide by Canadian label Maple Metal Records on April 15.


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