BUFFALO THEORY MTL Premiere New Video 'Conspiracy In Paranoland'

Comprised of members from legendary Quebec bands Ghoulunatics, Les Ékorchés, Arseniq 33 and currently active Vantablack Warship, Montreal, QC based stoner thrash influenced metallers BUFFALO THEORY MTL return to the scene with their second single and new music video 'Conspiracy in Paranoland' from their fourth and latest offering 'Skeptic Knight' set for release via Stand Productions on February 26th, which is available for pre-order on iTunes here.


For I Am King mit neuem Video

Amsterdams Extrem-Metaller FOR I AM KING sind zurück!
Vier Monate nach ihrer letzten Single, veröffentlichen sie den Song "We All Have Demons".


DEMISE OF THE CROWN Free Download 'We Are Invincible'

Montreal, QC's DEMISE OF THE CROWN have teamed up with PureGrainAudio.com for an exclusive FREE download of their first single 'We Are Invincible' from their upcoming debut self titled album produced by Kevin Jardine (Uplift Studios, guitarist of Slaves On Dope) and mastered by Joao Carvalho (Protest The Hero, Alexisonfire, Rush).


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