We are very happy to announce that Ray Wilson, named by Classic Rock Magazine one of the greatest British vocalists of all time, will record his first official live DVD in February. The event will take place on February, 22nd in Wyspianski Theatre in Katowice, Poland where Ray will join the line-up of “An evening at the Theatre”. Other bands confirmed for that night are RPWL and Clive Nolan's Alchemy project.
After a long pause the italian combo "Evil Bards" ( born 1998 ) is coming back with a new line up and a brand new single " The three ways to A" In the last few years the drummer and mastermind of the band, Rig, as well as bass player and (now) singer Andrea Giovannoni (a.k.a. Rhae) had to pause this project due to others ( Fuoriuso, Strange Wings,Forgotten Tears, All Amort). "I m very happy, Rig said, to be back finally with this new line up made of great musicians and persons, we are full of energy and new single shows that ! Thats why we decided to put it online for free ... Hope you will enjoy it !"
Die NITROGODS laden zum 1. NITROFEST am 23. März in Hannover !!!
Die Hannoveraner/Stuttgarter Rocker Nitrogods laden zu ihrem ersten eigenen Festival. Mit dem NITROFEST bekommt die wieder auflebende Hardrock-Szene Hannovers eine Plattform, bei der sich die neue Generation von Rock´n´Roll/Hard Rock Bands der ehemaligen Rock City präsentieren.
Good news is coming from the Headbangers Open Air Camp:
METAL CHURCH has been confirmed to perform an exclusive Headliner-Show on HOA-Saturday. They will play the complete 1st album + many more highlights, which will be a 100min+ set.
OVERKILL has just been announced as the headliner for the HOA-Thursday !
Anstehende Veröffentlichungstermine: 15.02.13 RAVEN BLACK NIGHT - 'Barbarian Winter' (jewelcase-CD/2-Gatefold-LP) 15.02.13 SHAI HULUD - 'Reach Beyond The Sun' (jewelcase-CD) 01.03.13 NEAERA - 'Ours Is the Storm' (Digi-CD/jewelcase-CD) 15.03.13 SIX FEET UNDER - 'Unborn' (Digi-CD/LP)
Just in time for valentine’s day Player’s new video “I Will” has exclusive Worldwide premiere on ultimate classic rock today. “Too Many Reasons” due out in February via Frontiers Records.
Just in time for Valentine’s Day, Player fans worldwide can click here to check out the exclusive worldwide premiere of the video for the romantic track “I Will”.
RAVEN LORD are pleased to announce that guitarist George Karafotis joins the ranks with VGS Guitars. George has chosen to play VGS Eruption Pro Black Burst Faded Guitar.
George says: “I am very honoured and proud to be endorsed by VGS Guitars. These are such beautiful instruments with a killer tone and a build of pure professional quality. Definitely one of the best guitars I’ve ever played.”
Bei dem Namen STICK MEN klingelt es umgehend in den Ohren von Fans progressiver High-Class-Klänge. Und auch diejenigen, die mit der Gruppe noch nicht vertraut sind, erkennen bei einem Blick auf das Line-up, um was es geht:
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