VULTURES VENGEANCE - neues Lyric Video

Italian epic metallers VULTURES VENGEANCE have revealed another track from their sophomore full-length album "Dust Age", coming on February 21st 2025 via High Roller Records on CD, LP, MC and in digital versions.


Neuer Track/Video von HESPERIA

Hesperia returns with the release of "La Grotta De La Sibilla Atto III: La Fuga/La Salvezza", a new single and video taken from the upcoming album "Fra Li Monti Sibillini (Black Medieval Winter Over The Sibylline Mounts)", out this Friday on CD, 2-LP and digital.


EMPLOYED TO SERVE - neues Album am 25. April 2025

Leading lights of British metal, Employed To Serve, take pride of place on the heavy metal world stage as they return with brand new single ‘Atonement’ feat. Will Ramos of Lorna Shore, plus long-awaited new studio album, ‘Fallen Star’, set for release on Friday, April 25th.


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