FFM ROCK präsentiert:

Grave Digger
30.01.25 - Aschaffenburg
Any Given Day
06.02.25 - Aschaffenburg
Nothing But Thieves
12.02.25 - Frankfurt/M
The Devil Wears Prada
13.02.25 - Frankfurt/M.
Unleash The Archers
13.02.25 - Aschaffenburg
Paleface Swiss
20.02.25 - Frankfurt/M.
Brainstorm & Arion
27.02.25 - Aschaffenburg
06.03.25 - Frankfurt/M.
07.03.25 - Frankfurt/M.

1. Verlosung:

The Halo Effect
Die BATSCHKAPP spendiert 2 x 2 Gästelistenplätze für
THE HALO EFFECT am 29.01.25 in Frankfurt/M.


2. Verlosung:

Grave Digger
Der COLOS-SAAL spendiert 2 x 2 Gästelistenplätze für
GRAVE DIGGER am 30.01.25 in Aschaffenburg, Colos-Saal


ISAAK: new album streaming in full via The Obelisk!

Genova-based rad stoner rock outfit ISAAK have teamed up with The Obelisk to delight your ears with their new album "Sermonize", streaming in full right now ahead of its CD release on Small Stone Records this February.


NEURONIA premieres new single "Under the Same Sky"

‘Under the Same Sky’ is the third full-length recording by Warsaw’s Neuronia, on which the band continues on the path chosen on their latest release so far – the four-track ‘Insanity Relapse’ EP.


DEAD LORD - Announce European tour with The Vintage Caravan!

Good news, rockers! DEAD LORD will return to European stages by teaming up with The Vintage Caravan for “The Beautiful Tour” in February/March 2016. Scroll down for the list of shows announced so far, and more dates will be added soon.


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