FFM ROCK präsentiert:

Nothing But Thieves
12.02.25 - Frankfurt/M
The Devil Wears Prada
13.02.25 - Frankfurt/M.
Unleash The Archers
13.02.25 - Aschaffenburg
Paleface Swiss
20.02.25 - Frankfurt/M.
Brainstorm & Arion
27.02.25 - Aschaffenburg
06.03.25 - Frankfurt/M.
07.03.25 - Frankfurt/M.
Animals As Leaders
10.03.20 - Frankfurt/M.
13.03.25 - Frankfurt/M.

1. Verlosung:

Das ZOOM spendiert 2 x 2 Gästelistenplätze für
DYNAZTY am 06.03.25 in Frankfurt/M.


2. Verlosung:

Der COLOS-SAAL spendiert 2 x 2 Gästelistenplätze für
BRAINSTORM am 27.02.25 in Aschaffenburg


KRIS: New Full-Length From Psychedelic Sludge-Bringers Streaming In Full At The Obelisk

With its official unveiling now just a few short days away, today the dirge devils at The Obelisk unleash the low-end rumble of AKRIS' self-titled debut in its entirety.

Recorded by Chris Kozlowski (Melvins, Spirit Caravan, Pentagram, Earthride, etc.), at Polar Bear Lair Studios in Middleton, Maryland, Akris delivers ten delightfully lo-fi, noise-strewn tracks of distorted bass fuzz and investigational arrangements.


HANGING GARDEN "I Was A Soldier" EP teaser

Finnish dark/ doom metal upcomers HANGING GARDEN are going to release their brand new EP "I Was A Soldier" on November 18th via Lifeforce Records. "I Was A Soldier" will be available as strictly on 200 copies limited 7" and as Digital EP. Here you can now find the teaser for the upcoming EP. http://youtu.be/FNLf4PsJib4


17 HIPPIES für Kinder " Titus träumt" // Album VÖ am 18.10.13

Ewig begleiten auch Kinder die musikalischen Aktivitäten der 12-köpfigen Berliner Band, tanzen zu ihrer Musik, kommen mit zu Konzerten und outen sich als wahre Fans … Jetzt haben die 17 HIPPIES endlich das lang ersehnte erste Album für Kinder heraus gebracht.

Stücke aus dem Repertoire der 17 HIPPIES mit selbst geschriebenen Liedtexten und selbst gemalten Zeichnungen erzählen, wohin die Traumreise ihrer Hauptfigur Titus geht. Das Album "TITUS TRÄUMT" ist für Kinder von 1 bis 99 Jahre.


Metal Blade news & live update 21/09/13

Anstehende Veröffentlichungstermine:
27.09.13 CANNIBAL CORPSE - 'Kill' (Picture Disc)
27.09.13 IN SOLITUDE - 'Sister' (ltd. CD-boxset/CD/LP/digital download)
27.09.13 PRIMORDIAL - 'A Journey's End' (Vinyl Re-Issue)
27.09.13 CANNIBAL CORPSE - 'Kill" (Picture Disc)
11.10.13 KILL DIVISION - 'Destructive Force' (ltd Digi-CD/LP/digital download)
11.10.13 RIVERS OF NIHIL - 'The Conscious Seed Of Light' (CD/digital download)
25.10.13 CANNIBAL CORPSE - 'Evisceration Plague' (Picture Disc)


GWYDION Reveals New Album Details !

The Portugese Epic/Folk Metallers from GWYDION have revealed today all details from their upcoming album.
Being around in the music-scene as a band since 1995, GWYDION is ready to enter a new era which kicks off with the album "VETERAN" with a release date set for November 22, 2013 !


OBELYSKKH: German Doom Crew Streams Third LP Via Terrorizer

Hymn To Pan Out This Week Through Exile On Mainstream

Germany's punishing and psychedelic doom crew OBELYSKKH is this week victorious upon the release of their third LP, Hymn To Pan. The band's organic, sonic tsunami continually morphs into something new and more memorable with each release, and building on what they've cultivated on their heralded Mount Nysa debut and last year's follow-up White Lightnin', OBELYSKKH have truly shown what they are fully capable of on their pending third LP, Hymn To Pan.


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