FFM ROCK präsentiert:

Grave Digger
30.01.25 - Aschaffenburg
Any Given Day
06.02.25 - Aschaffenburg
Nothing But Thieves
12.02.25 - Frankfurt/M
The Devil Wears Prada
13.02.25 - Frankfurt/M.
Unleash The Archers
13.02.25 - Aschaffenburg
Paleface Swiss
20.02.25 - Frankfurt/M.
Brainstorm & Arion
27.02.25 - Aschaffenburg
06.03.25 - Frankfurt/M.
07.03.25 - Frankfurt/M.

Weihnachtsverlosung 2024:

Auch in diesem Jahr wurde unser Verlosungssack wieder mit reichlich Spenden befüllt.
Wir bedanken uns an dieser Stelle bei unseren Medienpartnern für die Gaben und die erneut gute Zusammenarbeit.
Euch, liebe FFM-Rock Leser, danken wir für eure Treue und wünschen viel Erfolg bei der Teilnahme.



We are proud to announce that we have signed a deal with Scarlet Records for the release of our first retrospective DVD, that will hit the stores next fall. We have selected live and backstage video material, unreleased interviews and much more, spanning our entire career.

More exciting news about the DVD title, artwork and contents will be released very soon on www.cadaveria.com and www.scarletrecords.it


ATLANTEAN KODEX: 20 Buck Spin Confirms North American Release Of New Album

“I wish to speak to you today about the tragedy of Europe.” So begins the speech sample from English PM Sir Winston Churchill that begins “Twelve Stars And An Azure Gown (An Anthem For Europa),” the fifth track on the new ATLANTEAN KODEX LP, The White Goddess (A Grammar Of Poetic Myth). Indeed the entire concept of Germany’s ATLANTEAN KODEX is expressly European in nature; from the classically influenced melodies, to the lyrics and concepts that inspire the towering, grandiose heaviness of the songs, on through the band’s use of German Romantic Caspar David Friedrich’s “Monk by the Sea” as cover art.


HONDURAN's Gnarly Noise Plunders Thee Interwebs Via Pitchfork

As the delinquents in Portland’s HONDURAN prep their new LP, Street Eagles, for release next week, today Pitchfork draws more attention to the whole debacle by premiering a gnarly new number from the opus. Bludgeoning their respective instruments like drugged-up gorillas attacking oversized speedbags and resulting in the sound of a condemned nuclear power plant being razed by a crew of drunken grenadiers, the HONDURAN trio’s pummeling dirge of filthy, noise-molested powerviolence is exemplified with the grace of battleship bumper cars with the petulant title track to the pending LP.


CONCRETE ICON «Perennial Anguish»

Formed in mid 2007 Concrete Icon is darkened death metal band from Turku, Finland. Drawing influence from the old school of death metal, combining it with misery filled, melodic leads and doomy, crawling tempos Conrete Icon is armed to bring darkness fuelled heaviness to the underground masses.

In early 2013 Concrete Icon entered Noise Camp studios, Turku to record their debut album titled “Perennial Anguish” which is now released by Black Vulture Records. Get prepared as the darkness is coming!


ACACIA «Tills döden skiljer oss åt»

Acacia was born like a Phoenix out of the ashes of Livsnekad.

"Tills döden skiljer oss åt" is the result of a long project that has been going on from 2009 until 2013. The album was not decided to released under the name Acacia until after it was finished. It is entirely self-recorded and produced by the band.

The musical and lyrical concept of the album reflects on the versatile of life itself.


CORRECTIONS HOUSE: Album Details Revealed

Recent Neurot Recordings signees CORRECTIONS HOUSE -- Mike IX Williams (Eyehategod), Scott Kelly (Neurosis), Bruce Lamont (Yakuza), Sanford Parker (Minsk) and their minister of propaganda, Seward Fairbury -- will release their debut full-length this Fall. Titled  Last City Zero, the eight-track, near 50-minute offering was produced by Sanford Parker at Electrical Audio, Soma Studios, 60 Psycho Hum and Nodferatu's Lair and delivers a wholly cerebral, impossible-to-pinpoint kaleidoscopic synthesis of mechanical decomposition, atmospheric abnormalities, and poetic putrefaction.


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