The pure AOR of the international recording project CHARMING GRACE is based on the idea of writing songs in the classic style of the 80s and recording them as duets. To give the record its own identity all songs are sung by one main lead vocalist while the featured duet partners are picked individually for each tune because of their special musical talents.
Die Toten Hosen: „Der Krach der Republik“-Tournee 2013 Das „Rhein-Derby“! Auswärtsspiel: „Das Bergfest“ 29.6. Köln-RheinEnergieStadion Heimspiel: „Das große Tourfinale“ 12.10. Düsseldorf-ESPRIT arena Neue Single „Draußen vor der Tür“: Videopremiere am 8.3.
The Finnish Heavy Metallers from PAYLOAD have just set the release date for their upcoming album ! May 17, 2013 will be the day when all fans can enjoy "Odyssey Dawn" to the fullest !
In addition, the band has uploaded the official lyric video for the song "WOUNDS" which can be found at the bands Official YouTube Channel : !
If you like the Rolling Stones, the Ramones and the Beatles but are young in the ever so hysterical 21st century you will love Junkstars, a Swedish punk/rock band with loads of attitude, energy and joy to play!
Zum Tod von Alvin Lee (19. Dezember 1944 - 6. März 2013) Am 6. März 2013 ist Alvin Lee, einer der meistgeschätzen Gitarristen der Welt, unerwartet im Alter von 68 Jahren verstorben, nachdem bei einem operativen Routine-Eingriff zur Behandlung von Vorhofflimmern am Herzen Komplikationen aufgetreten waren.