Moin ihr Rocker! Habt ihr den Sommer gut rumgebracht? Wir hoffen sehr...... Nun wird es schon wieder richtig kalt und es wird höchste Zeit, daß wir in die neue Herbst/Winter Saison starten! Wir haben so einiges mit euch vor.... Stöbert doch mal auf unserer Homepage die Events durch und schaut, ob was gescheites für euch dabei ist!
HARTMANN werden mit der aktuellen Compilation " The Best Is Yet To Come" (VÖ 20.09.13) ab Mitte September mit einem Best-of-Programm aus bisher 5 Studioalben und einem Livealbum wieder auf Tour sein. Als Auftakt der Konzertreihe wird HARTMANN am 19.09. im Colossaal/Aschaffenburg ein Releasekonzert inklusive eines "Handmade"-Unpluggedparts geben, bei dem einige Special Guests mit auf der Bühne stehen werden, u.a. Jürgen Wüst (Keys), Tiffany Kirkland (Vocals) Carolin Riehemann (Vocals) sowie weitere Überraschungsgäste!
We are proud to announce that JADED HEART have been confirmed for the QUEENSRYCHE show in Munich (Theaterfabrik, Oct. 25th). Right after the upcoming tour with MASTERPLAN, this is going to be another great opportunity for the band to present their new CD+DVD double package “Live In Cologne” (out Sept. 27th). Check out the trailer for the album.
For the past 20 years now, Jaded Heart has been the name for pure melodic rock par exellance! Killer albums, supporttours with bands like Helloween, Doro, Rage or Shinedown and headliner tours telling a long story about this amazing band.
Candlelight Records today confirms November 11th as the North American release date for Obsideo, the new album from Dutch metal extremists PESTILENCE. Produced by vocalist/guitarist Patrick Mameli, the album is the band's inaugural recording for the label and first new material from the four-piece since 2011.
"We have gone beyond our human limits to achieve the highest form of brutal music," reveals Mameli when discussing the album's creation. "The musicianship is such high quality; it is really ten of the most demanding songs written in death metal."
NYC psychedelic doom trio, BLACKOUT, is pleased to announce the release of their We Are Here debut! Recorded at Vacation Island Studio with engineer/producer Rob Laakso (Diamond Nights, Swirlies, Kurt Vile), We Are Here offers up six gristly hymns of bottom heavy, head-throbbing, red-eyed awesomeness. Appropriately described as "thick, riff-led heavy psych that blends Sleep's stoner heyday and classic Melvins stomp with a touch of Rob Crow's vocal compression in Goblin Cock," by The Obelisk who further commends their "riffy stoner traditionalism," BLACKOUT is in it to win it and will undoubtedly be knocking on your door like a hairy, black clad Jehovah's Witness who wants to smoke you out and listen to Sabbath records.
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