FFM ROCK präsentiert:

Nothing But Thieves
12.02.25 - Frankfurt/M
The Devil Wears Prada
13.02.25 - Frankfurt/M.
Unleash The Archers
13.02.25 - Aschaffenburg
Paleface Swiss
20.02.25 - Frankfurt/M.
Brainstorm & Arion
27.02.25 - Aschaffenburg
06.03.25 - Frankfurt/M.
07.03.25 - Frankfurt/M.
Animals As Leaders
10.03.20 - Frankfurt/M.
13.03.25 - Frankfurt/M.

1. Verlosung:

Das ZOOM spendiert 2 x 2 Gästelistenplätze für
DYNAZTY am 06.03.25 in Frankfurt/M.


2. Verlosung:

Der COLOS-SAAL spendiert 2 x 2 Gästelistenplätze für
BRAINSTORM am 27.02.25 in Aschaffenburg


CYTOTOXIN kündigen Album "BIOGRAPHYTE" für April an

BIOGRAPHYTE is the 5th full-length album by the Germany-based tech death band CYTOTOXIN. With their new record, CYTOTOXIN explores their roots and takes listeners on a journey through the radiated wasteland of Pripyat.


BENTHIC - neue Single 'The Living Torch'

The Living Torch is the third single by emotionally driven progressive hardcore act BENTHIC from their forthcoming album Sanguine, which is set to be released on February 28th!


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