Today Denver's CALL OF THE VOID bring the ruckus with a video premiere of "Abomination," brought to you by Revolver. The tune is featured on the band's Dragged Down A Dead End Path full-length which reared its menacing head via Relapse Records this past Spring.
Commended for its "legitimate, misanthropic emotion," by Popmatters, Dragged Down A Dead End Path is 25+ minute onslaught of unhinged disgust.
Tasmanian technical death metal legion, MEPHISTOPHELES, are pleased to unveil new track "Silver Doors," via Decibel Magazine. Called "vicious, artful, and sonically different," the latest hell hymn comes by way of the band's forthcoming new full-length, Sounds of the End. The devious, ten-track release was recorded at Red Planet Studio with Jake Long and presents some of the band's most complex, intricately arranged and plainly engaging compositions to date.
SKELETONWITCH To Host Live Q&A Session Via Reddit AMA; Additional Dates With The Black Dahlia Murder Confirmed
Have a burning question you've always wanted to ask SKELETONWITCH? Here's your chance! Head over to Reddit's IAMA page [] this coming Monday, August 26 at 7:00pm EST and ask away, as the entire band - vocalist Chance Garnette, guitarists Scott Hedrick and Nate Garnette, bassist Evan Linger and drummer Dustin Boltjes -- will answer queries as part of a virtual Q&A.
In celebration of its forthcoming release next month, today Pitchfork hurls forth "Lifeless," the eighth track off A STORM OF LIGHT's Nations to Flames.
Describes Pitchfork of the album-defining tune: "The guitars at the start of 'Lifeless' hang slow and steady and mean, suggesting the convoluted doom that's familiar from A STORM OF LIGHT's previous output.
EISHEILIGE NÄCHTE - SVBWAY TO SALLY, LORDI, Finnen, Fusel und Fanfaren: beim winterlichen Konzertspektakel sind Monster und Feuerspucker los!
Die BundesVisionSongContest-Sieger SVBWAY TO SALLY gemeinsam auf Tour mit den EuroVisonSongContest-Gewinnern LORDI
Potsdam – Seit 2006 ist in der deutschen Musiklandschaft nichts mehr, wie es einmal war: mit ihrer mulitinstrumentellen Rockmusik, ihren spektakulären Bühnenoutfits und ihrer Feuer-Bühnenshow gewinnen SVBWAY TO SALLY Stefan Raabs BundesVisionSongContest.
Am 23. August 2013 wird die neue Single “Trouble Free“ des englischen Rock-Trios THE BREW UK veröffentlicht. Der brandneue Song ist der Vorbote für das anstehende Studioalbum, welches Anfang 2014 erscheinen wird. Produziert wurde der energiegeladene Track von Chris West (Richard Ashcroft, Status Quo), der sich auch schon für die Vorgängeralben „A Million Dead Stars“ und „The Third Floor“ verantwortlich zeigte.
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